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                       United States of America (USA)

The United States of America is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and one federal district. The United States of America is also referred as United States, the USA, the US or simply America. The United States of America is located in the middle of the North American continent, and is geographically one of the world's largest countries. It is the third most populous (after China and India), and the world's wealthiest nation. The United States plays a prominent role in world affairs and is an influential member of such multinational organizations as the United Nations (headquartered in New York City) and the World Bank (headquartered in Washington, DC). Its overseas territories include Guam and Puerto Rico (acquired in 1899); American Samoa (1900); and the U.S. Virgin Islands (1917).

Love and Friendship are two main keys in life but 

there are more. True friends stick with you even after 

they know the true you. I luv my best friends so much

and hope that never fade away because they are the

 true friends. I showed them the true me and they 

didnt care they still loved as strong. And many people

 have haters out in the world but them haters make 

you strong.

am here for u when no one is when u cry i will hug u when

no one does i will make u happy when no one does  i want

to be there  for u when some one breaks you'r heart  and no

 one there  and i will make sure u will get back up on you'r

 feet when that happen  me and you is the best damn  thing

 i ever had  and i don't want  to lose that at all.  and it mean

 the world to me  my love to u as my best friend and guy i


Say you love me

As much as I love you, yeah

Would you hurt me, baby?

Could you do that to me, yeah?

Would you lie to me, baby?

'Cause the truth hurts so much more

Would you do the things that drive me crazy?

Leave my heart still at the door?...

Faith makes all things possible

love makes all things easy,

hopes makes all things work,

but ur gorgeous smile brings all faith, luv & hope in me!


i wrote a poem about friendship and i'm posting it here first

if u have friend u may not see the obstacles in your way u

 may have best friends but at times times love and crashing it

 means nothing the isn't over friends u can and can't count on

 them, but true friends stay there by your side forever and u

 can trust true friends no matter what. ta da by the way i know

 what it feels like all though i'm only nine good luck

A friend doesn't measure anything or doesn't count anything.

 Don't be just a FRIEND but be a TRUE

 FRIEND. What ever your friend do, have an open mind to

 understand them so that you can still love them

. Never mind if they won't be as easy to deal with, what 

important is, you are easy to deal with.

UNFORGIVENESS create resistance which causes harm to

 the one who dwell in such negative emotions.

So, smile and be humble. Forgive and continue to live life 


-That is ultimate satisfaction.

Friendship... is not something you learn in

 school. But if you haven't learned the

 meaning of friendship, you 

really haven't learned anything...............

When you Are Alone,

Remember i am waiting for you.

When you Can't Smile,

Trust Me I Can Make you Laugh.

But When you Are In A Crowd Of Friends,

Remember I'm alone:-(

You're not a bad person because you made a

 mistake. But, you're a bad person, if you

 don't learn from that mistake

The words that escape a friend's mouth are

"I'll be there when you say you need me"

but the words that are unheard from a true friend's heart are

"I'll be there... whether you say you need me or not."

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